There are however solutions that can straighten your penis even without the risk of a $5000 surgery.
I’ll go though some of your options on how you can correct your penis curvature in this article.
Did you know that you’re not alone? 15% of ALL men have a curved penis!
It can be a cause of distress and uncomforting, especially if the curvature goes beyond a limit that is considered normal (all above 10 degrees is considered straight read more here). Usually, an erect penis tends to have a slight curvature towards one side, and that is perfectly normal.
The problems?
However, the problem arises when this curvature is way too pronounced leading to a very uncomfortable erection. Besides looking aesthetically undesirable, it can cause a whole bunch of other sexual problems, including infertility and erectile dysfunction.
This condition is most commonly caused due to the presence of scar tissue on the sides or below the penis which ultimately leads to a curved penis. Another cause of a curved penis is a disease called Peyronie’s Disease where a plaque of scar tissue on the outer lining of the penis causes it to bend.
A curved penis beyond normal limits can cause a lot of emotional as well as physical distress, but it is not untreatable.
There are several techniques and medical procedures than can help in correcting this condition.
Let’s take a look at some of the methods that can correct you penis naturally.
Ways to Correct Penis Curvature
While a majority of the cases of curved penis can be corrected without medical attention, some of the more severe cases do require consulting your doctor to address the issue completely.
If the penis tissues are short or inelastic on any part of your penis, it will cause the penis to bend in that direction. Thus, to fix a bent penis, all we need to do is equal out the length of the penis tissue all the way around the penis.
Let’s take a look at few of the methods to achieve that:
1. Penile Traction Therapy
This is a highly effective treatment option for curing Peyronie’s Disease and normal penis curvature. It involves the use of penis extenders in a way which eventually straightens out the penis.
That does not sound safe, is it?
It is a relatively safe and trusted method that is being used widely for the treatment of a curved penis. There are plenty of traction devices that can help you get rid of this condition permanently.
I made a review of such a device earlier this year, you can find the review here (my review if based on the enlargement properties of the device). Or you can check out their website for more information right here.
Price: A good penis stretcher cost around $200-$400
This should always be your first choice!
This solution is a long process but it should be the first option you go to before you start on any medication or surgery.
2. Penile Vacuum Therapy
A study published in BJU Internation1 revealed that penile vacuum therapy was an effective way of correcting their curvature.
The study groupe consisted of 31 men that where scheduled for surgery with Peyronie’s Disease. More than half(16 our of 31) of the test group could avoid surgery after a 12 week vacuum therapy that where performed with a simple penile pump.
I’m a big fan
I’m personally a big fan of penis pumps since they can be the solution to a lot of sexual health problems and to be perfectly honest, I quite like to use them.
I own both water and air based pumps but I always recommend the water based pumps, since they are stronger and more comfortable to use.
You can’t just go out and buy any pump, you need to select one with a wide vacuum chamber so your curved penis can actually fit in it. The one with the widest chamber (that I know of) is called Penomet and I’ve yet to find a man who can’t fit in it.
You can read my full review of the Penomet pump here and again the review is based on enlargement properties of the pump!
Price: A good penis pump with wide chamber cost about $100-$250
3. Medications
Avoid medication if possible!
If you need it, then please consult a doctor (make sure your doctore is certified – check it here) if you are faced with a severely curved penis (above 35 degree bent). Doctors will present you with a few different treatment options, depending on the severity of your condition, one of which is the using certain medications.
Some of the most popular oral medications prescribed for the treatment of Peyronie’s Disease include Neprinol, Colchicine, Tamoxifen, and Potaba. Apart for these, the doctors may also prescribe tropical gels like Verapamil which can be highly effective in the treatment of this disease.
Vitamin E supplements have also been proven to help people with this condition to a certain degree. The device mentioned in penile traction therapy comes with vitamin E oil that you can apply on your penis.
You also have the option of taking certain injections containing medicines like collagenase and steroids at the site of the curvature to help mend the condition.
However, these injections do come along with a large list of unwanted side effects that could often do more harm than good.
These injections also cost a lot and are simply not worth the risk.
Price: penile plication injections2 are prices around $3000 and collagenase injections are around $25000!
Most men select the collagenase injections -But why? It’s really expensive! Well, it turns out that the plication injections reduces your penis length……
4. Penile Stretching Exercises
There are several types of stretching exercises that you can perform to fix the curvature of your penis by a large extent.
This method works best if you have a mild bend and can even cure you of the condition entirely. However, this method takes patience, and it can be a while before you start noticing any visible changes.
The exercises themselves are quite simple, requiring you to stretch your penis in a certain way and apply pressure in certain areas. However, you do need to be very regular with these exercises which, when done properly, can be as effective as some of the medical treatments.
You can find a list of penis exercises here, I recommend Jelqing and penis stretching.
Price: Free
Remember this is a very slow process that could take years, the good news is that penile stretching exercises can be used in a combination with any of the above methods.
5. Surgery
This is the expensive but quick fix to your problem, the recovery does however take around 4 to 6 weeks3 before you you should perform any sexual activity.
The surgery must be done by a qualified surgeon who has some experience in this field – Surgery is associated with some serious risks that can even be life-threatening.
Although risky, surgery can completely cure you of this condition if everything goes right and is only recommended to those who have a very severe form of the disease.
It is recommended to treat surgery as a last resort as it comes with the risk of several complications such as impotence, loss of sensation, erectile dysfunction, and scarring.
Price: $5000-$10000
Problems Caused due to a Curved Penis
An unnatural curvature in the penis can cause a whole lot of sexual health issues, but they all boil down to one of the four basic problems:
- A loss of interest in sex that stems out of embarrassment or anxiety regarding the reaction of your partner to your condition. This is one of the most common issues faced by men with Peyronie’s Disease and can be the cause of a great deal of emotional distress for them. Fear or anxiety regarding the inability to please your partner sexually can lead to a diminished desire for sex.
- Painful sex for one or both partners caused due to the unnatural curvature of the penis. When the curvature of the penis is very pronounced, it can lead to very painful sex and sometimes even hinder you from having sex at all.
- Infertility due to the inability to inserting the penis into the woman’s vagina.
- Inability to have proper erections due to the curvature that causes bending and buckling of the penis. Peyronie’s is often accompanied by painful erections that are caused due to the formation of scar tissues on the lining of the penis.
Bottom line
A small degree of curvature is quite normal, it only turns into a problem if your penis curve more than 15 degree and sexual activities becomes hard, painful, or even impossible.
There are however a wide variaty of methods that you can use to get a more streight penis.
I would always recommend a penis stretcher (This is the one I recommend) as the first option and take it from there.
Penile surgery should be you last option.
Do you have any questions? Feel free to ask them in the comments or at
1 Raheem AA, Garaffa G, Raheem TA, Dixon M, Kayes A, Christopher N, Ralhp D – The role of vacuum pump therapy to mechanically straighten the penis in Peyronie’s disease. 2010
2 Arthur L Burnett MD, MBA, FACS Cost of Penile Plication vs Intralesional Collagenase Injection in Peyronie’s Disease 2017
3 Daniel Murrell, MD
How can I get this penis stretcher, I am from Nigeria. Then for how long will it take to totally straighten the penis?
Most sellers will send their product to you in Nigeria.
It all depends on your current curvature, but most men will see noticeable changes after 4 months.
Best regards,