My own penis enlargement journey – From 14 cm. to 17.5 cm.

Who am I?


My name is Austin, I’m 35 years old (2018) and from Denmark in northern Europe. My English is not the best but I hope you understand it anyway.

I have had trouble with self-esteem most of my life and part of it was due to my penis size (14cm. at the time). It’s not that I had the smallest penis in the world, but it was one of several things that I did not like about my body and that’s why I started researching possible ways to enlarge it.

I want a bigger penis – What are my options?

Picking the right method for enlarging your penis in not that simple – Here are some of the pros/cons of the methods that I considered using when I first started out (This is properly the same methods you are considering).

Penis enlargement methods:

The Good/Bad things are my personal opinions and may vary from your opinions.

penis surgery is a very quick way to enlarge your penis

  • Penis surgery:

    • GoodIt’s really fast – A normal implant surgery takes between 45 min. to an hour.
    • GoodPermanent results
    • Goodup to 97% success rate. (Still 3% of all penis implants are unsuccessful)
    • BadIt is really expensive, typically between $3500-$9000
    • BadIt does take 4-6 weeks before you are able to engage in sexual activity and mild pain might persists for several weeks!
    • BadSomebody is going to cut in your penis with a knife!!! (Just the thought is too scary for me!)

A penis extender offer permanent penis enlargement

  • Penis extenders:

    • GoodPermanent results
    • GoodThe price for an extender is between $99-$500. 500 Dollars is still expensive compared to other methods but you can get a good extender system for around $250.
    • BadIt is very time consuming, you need to use the device for 6-8 hours a day for a year to gain the same as a surgery does in 45 min.
    • BadIt can be a bit painful in the beginning to wear the extender. (This is only the first couple of weeks)
    • BadYou can’t wear the device under your cloth – Most products claim you can, but from personal experience this does simple not work!
  • Penis pumps:

    • GoodThe results become permanent if you use the pump on a regularly basis (3-4 times a week).
    • Good You can see size gains after your first 15-20 min. pumping session!
    • GoodPenis pumps are really cheap and you can get some of the best pumps for around $100-$150.
    • BadA penis pump might not work if your penis is too curved (more than 35o).
  • Penis exercises:

    • GoodPenis exercises does not cost you anything unless you buy a penis exercise program. (You don’t need to, there are a ton of free online guides with all the information you need. I can recommend
    • GoodThe exercises become a normal part of your day once you get the hang of it!
    • BadIt does take a long time before you see any size gains.
    • BadIt’s not very effective if it’s the only method you use to increase your penis size.
  • Penis pills:

    • Good – Penis pills does not take any time, just take your pills with a glass of water and you are done.
    • GoodThe pills are mainly for treating erectile dysfunction and can have all sorts of positive effects on you. (increased libido, longer lasting erections etc.)
    • GoodImproved the results of other methods. (Extenders, pumps, and exercises)
    • BadThe pills are not very effective if they are the only thing you do to increase your penis size.
    • BadThey can be quite expensive; you are looking at $350-$600 for a full year!
    • BadMinor side effects might occur. (headache)

There are minor subgroups of the methods above for example “penis hanging” which works the same way as a penis extender.

Why did I pick the products/methods that I used?

Okay enough talk, let’s get down to business – What products did I pick and why did I pick them?

I initially set a goal of increasing my penis length from 14 cm. to 17 cm. so I was looking for products that could add 3 cm. in roughly 1 year.

It does not take a long time browsing around penis enlargement products before you realize that they all claim that their product can do that, I knew that this was far from the truth from previous experience (I tried a cheap ass penis extender and penis pills years ago, that did not go well).

The first product I picked up was the Bathmate Hercules!

I bought this water based penis pump because of the awesome user reviews that it recived. It was the only water based penis pump at that time so there was really no other choice. Guess what? I still have it today (2018) and use it a couple of times each week. It’s a bit discolored and I have changed the valve one time but other than that it still rocks!

My bathmate penis pump

I bought it with the strap (I don’t believe you can buy it without now) and that has been such a great add on, it’s really annoying to hold the pump with your hand for 15-20 min. With the strap around my neck I can take a shower, brush my teeth or whatever I want to do while I use the pump so it’s not a complete waste of time.

The main reason why I got a penis pump was because of fast gains and girth gains. Getting more girth was not a part of my goal but I realized that it was just as important as length.

You can check out my full review here.

The second product I picked up was a SizeGenetics penis extender!

A penis extender was going to be the backbone of my penis enlargement project because it delivers great results that are permanent! An extender is mainly going to add length to your penis, that’s why it is good to combine it with a penis pump or penis exercises (I did both!).

The most important thing about a penis extender is how long time you wear it and that comes down to how comfortable it is to wear.

I looked at over 15 different penis extenders during my research and the one with the best comfort system was the SizeGenetics. It’s not the cheapest extender but the most comfortable and that’s why I picked it. It has an awesome comfort system that let you combine several different “comfort techniques” to make it as pleasant as possible to wear it. You can mix and match all the different materials and stuff to find the perfect combination that fits you the best.

You can read my full review of the SizeGenetics penis extender here.

My Sizegenetics penis extender

The SizeGenetics extender comes with 3 different extension rods to fit almost all penis sizes.

The third product is a part of the second!

Penis exercises should be a part of every man’s life! And it was also a part of the SizeGenetics system that I bought, the penis exercise program is called PenisHealth. You access the program from or a DVD where you can pick one of several programs that fit you.

PenisHealth does only come with the ultimate system – You can just pick the SizeGenetics Comfort Package and use all the free guides that are available online and save $50.

penishealth exercise program

The fourth product was 6 months’ supply of VigRX Plus pills

Penis pills (VigRX Plus) was not part of my first “penis enlargement setup” but I added it to my arsenal of products after I reviewed the pills last year (check out my review here).
my vigrx plus penis pills
Penis pills has a sort of bad reputation and there is a good reason for that. Most men want a quick and easy solution to their “small” problem so they buy a bunch of penis pills and expect results in a few weeks. That is unfortunately not how they work!

Pills should not be your main method of penis enlargement; it should be an extra add-on to a penis extender or penis pump to speed things up.

When you use an extender or a pump you stretch your penis longer and wider, all that extra space need more blood and that’s what penis pills do! It’s basically fuel for your penis enlargement.

This is all the penis enlargement products that I used

This is how I did it!

Penis enlargement is all about time and consistency, there is no quick solution only hard work and time will get you to your goals! My overall goal was to increase my penis size from 14 cm. to 17 cm. in one year – I broke my goal down to 1 cm. every 4 months’ to keep me motivated (It’s very hard to keep your motivation for an entire year!) and made a daily routine to get me there!

My daily routine:

Penis exercises – This is the first part of my routine and it acts as a kind of warmup for the other parts of my penis enlargement.

  1. Warmup – I soak a small towel under hot water (not boiling water!!!) from the tap and wrap it around my penis for 5 min. This will make the other exercises more comfortable and effective.
  2. Jelq exercises – I then do 5 min. of jelqing exercise.
  3. Penis stretching – And finish off with 5 min. penis stretching exercise.

I should properly do this more than 5 min. but it’s very boring.

Penis extenderThis is the backbone of my setup and it’s very important to use your extender as long as possible.

  1. Setting – The first thing I do is adjusting the extender to the right settings for my penis and choose the comfort settings that I like (play around with different options to find the one that suits you the best).
  2. Put it on – I put the device on my penis and tighten the strap around the penis head to secure it. Adjust the tension by rotating the small “wheel” on each side (See picture below), you should be able to feel your penis stretching but it should not be painful!
  3. Time – Now you just need time and lots of it, you should wear the extender for around 6-8 hours a day to get the maximum results. Less time is okay but your results will be equally smaller, but still good. I use it for 6 hours each day!

sizegenetics tension settings can be adjusted here

Penis pump – I usually take a 30 min. break after I take off the penis extender before I’ll move on to the Bathmate penis pump.

  1. Water filling – Put a finger on the top vent (See picture below) to prevent any water escaping the pump while filling it with hot water. I use tap water a bit hotter than my body temperature because it does get a bit cold after 20 min. (You can change water after 10 min. if you like)
  2. Put the pump on – I put the pump on my penis vertically and press it up tight around my penis while I move it more horizontally, that way I don’t spill that much water (remember to hold your finger over the top vent while you move the pump up).
  3. Pump – I then move my finger from the top vent and push the pump towards my body, this will press water out of the top of the pump and create a vacuum in the pump. I pump 2-3 times first until it gets suction on my body and then I pump once each 5 min. to maintain a good vacuum. Hold the vacuum for 15-20 min. and you are done.

bathmate water filling

Tips: It might be hard to maintain a strong suction if you have a lot of hair in that area, shave the hair off and apply water on the area just before you put on the pump, this will help create suction.

Penis pills – This is the easy part and the reason so many choose penis pills!

  1. Water – I take 2 pills a day with a glass of water, one in the morning and one at dinner time. You can take both pills at the same time, it does really not matter that much.
  2. Enjoy – Now relax and enjoy the extra blood flow to your penis and a bunch of other good things for your sex life.

Read my full review of VigRX Plus

vigrx plus dosage is 2 pills a day

The results!

I would like to make a detailed report for each month but this article is already way too long so I’ll cut right to the final results after 1 year.

My starting measurements:

  • Length – 14cm. when erect
  • Girth – 13cm. when erect

My goals for this year:

  • Length – 17cm. when erect
  • Girth – I did not set a goal so all the gains is a bonus

My results after 1 year:

  • Length – 17.5cm. when erect
  • Girth – 15cm. when erect

Am I happy with the results?

Hell yes! I managed to increase my penis with over 3.5cm. in a year, that was 0.5cm. more than I could have ever hoped for.

Final thoughts on my penis enlargement journey

I got to be honest with you, I’m very very happy with my gains and I do feel like I did everything the right way and spend my money on quality products. But it has been really really though at times! Especially the penis exercises and penis extender parts has been so boring and time consuming and I have to admit that my daily routine slipped a few times. During the weekdays it was “okay” but I really struggled in the weekends – But in the end of the day I managed to get to my goal.

How much did I spend? Money/time

  • The SizeGenetics penis extender (and PenisHealth exercise program) was $359 with a 10% off discount code (“SG10”).
  • The Bathmate penis pump was $110
  • VigRX Plus pills was $366 with a 10% discount code (“VPLUS10”)

That’s a total of: $835 including all (Tax, shipping, tracking and so on.)

How much time did I spend:

  • Penis exercises – 15min. times 350 (I skipped a few times…) = A bit more than 3½ day.
  • Penis extender – 6 hour times 350 = That is almost 3 months! The 3 months is however not a complete waste of time since I was working most of the time while wearing the extender.
  • Penis pump – 20min. times 350 = Almost 5 days.
  • Penis pills – Only a few seconds every day.

That’s a total of 3½ months!

Has it been worth it?

The short answer is YES! I’m going to have a bigger penis the rest of my life and all it took was $835 and 3½ months’.

Is a penis enlargement project like this for you?

Are you ready for a penis enlargement project

There are a few things you need to consider before starting something like this:

  1. You need to be very motivated to do it! It does require a lot of self-discipline to continue every single day!
  2. $835 is a lot of money for most people – especially if you give up after 2 weeks. It is however very little money when you consider the results!

If you are okay with the things above, then you should go ahead and JUST DO IT! The sooner you start the sooner you will begin to see results and results are the best motivation!

Start your own penis enlargement project today!

Links to the products I used:

Got any questions? Send an email at or in a comment below.

Good luck with your penis enlargement journey!

Austin Hanson

After finishing a master degree in Urology at the European University in St. Petersburg, Austin cofounded in 2015. The purpose of the website is to help men with a wide variety of sexual problems with a language that everybody understand. Austin is a dedicated writer and loves to get his hands dirty with product reviews and the latest urology news. Outside of work his an outdoors person who loves fishing and running, you can follow Austin on Twitter or LinkedIn if you can keep up with him!

This Post Has 34 Comments

  1. Thomas

    Hey Austin
    I’m glad you took the time to write your penis enlargement story, it’s very motivating to read about others success stories.
    I would love to do something similar to you but I’m not able to use a penis extender since I’m very active at work and it would be impossible to wear it.
    What are my options? Is it okay to leave out the extender part and still get decent results?


  2. Austin St.

    Hi Thomas
    You will still be able to gain a lot of penis size if you use a pump, pills and penis exercises. You could increase the length of you penis exercise session to compensate for the penis extender. I “only” do 2 x 5min. you could do 2 x 10/15 min. or add more exercises, it’s up to you.

    Best regards,

    1. scott

      So does a pump give you any permanent gains at all? just bought a bath mate and hoping it does.. also do you need a cock ring whilst using one?

      1. Austin St.

        Yes, it does give you permanent results, it does take a bit of time. I would recommend 4-6 months with 4-6 sessions a week.
        And No, you dont need to use a cock ring to use the pump.
        Best regards,

  3. M.J

    Hey Austim,
    What a great story, I thought pens enlargements were only a scam! But Its very encouraging to see it is totally possible!
    How realistic is it to wear the extension st might in bed while sleeping? I’m assuming is totally possible, if you can wear it all day without moaning in pain then I should think one can also wear it at night during sleep?

    1. Austin St.

      I never used the extender during the night, but I saw a forum post with some other guy who did it. The problem for me is that I move a lot around when I sleep so the extender would fall off when I turn around. The Phallosan Forte looks like your best bet if you want to use a penis extender while you sleep. If you go to and under testimonials, there are a couple of guys who uses it while they sleep.
      You are always welcome to get in contact with me if you have more questions.

      Best regards,

  4. ibbu

    hi austin,
    you followed soo many methods and soo much time
    please suggest a single method

    1. Austin St.

      I would pick a penis extender if I should choose between all the methods that I used. It’s by far the most effective way to add some length to your penis.
      Best regards,

  5. SAM

    Hi Austin
    thanks for your really encouraging review!
    i have a bath mate but i’m planning on having a air pump as well. i used it years ago and i loved it.. the problem here that makes me stop every time is growing a foreskin,, I’m cut and i don’t want to grow a foreskin, so do u have any advise about this issue? thanks in Advance


    1. Austin St.

      Did your foreskin start growing when you used your pump? I unfortunately don’t know much about the subject since I’m not circumcised.
      Have you considered other enlargement options?
      Best regards,

  6. Les

    I have been using this device now for over a year and have over 100 hours of use .I started off with a flaccid size of 8 cm not very big although i have not had any complaints for partners and an erect size of 12 cm so for me any increase would be a bonus .When measuring now if find flaccid now it has increased to 10 cm and erect is now 14 cm the girth has increased significantly when erect .I am pleased with the results and now am using it as much as possible as its working for me wearing it to work under my jeans for as long as possible ,i find i need to take it off after about two hours and massage the head as it gets quite cold . I also find it a pleasurable experience to wear another bonus . my only advice would be to stick with it as it takes time to get an increase .Best of luck .

  7. Jeremy

    Hi austin, thanks for amazing review.
    I’m just a little curious, whether it is okay or not to masturbate during the exercise. Thank you

    1. Austin St.

      You should try to avoid that, I know it can be quite tempting, but you should wait atleast a couple of hours before you do that.
      Best regards,

  8. Nate

    So did you buy the 6 box pack or 12 box pack

    1. Austin St.

      I bought the 12 pack, it was great value compared to the 6 pack.
      Best regards,






    1. Austin St.

      You will be able to improve your erection quality and increase your erection time with the use of a penis pump and penis pills.
      I would recommend you start erection training with a Bathmate or Penomet penis pump and juice it up with some VigRX Plus or Male Extra pills. That combination would improve every mans abilty in the bedroom.
      Best regards,

  10. Notorious

    How long do I have to use vigrx 4 or 6 month or for ever?

    1. Austin St.

      You are after permanent penis enlargement right? I used it 6 months while I used a penis pump and a penis extender.
      You could take it 4 months, but the results would not be the same.
      Best regards,

  11. Joe

    Hi Austin do any of these methods especially pills do bad for me if im working out 5 days per week, best regards!

    1. Austin St.

      No, that should not be a problem.
      Best regards,

  12. Louis

    Hey Austin but how did u work if u cant put clothes on with the penis extender?

    1. Austin St.

      I work from home most of the time, if you dont have that option then just try to wear it as much as possible in your free time.
      Best regards,

      1. Louis

        Do you have before and after pics.. so I can validate your results… I want to do the pe journey but i dont know if it will truly work.

  13. Franklin

    Hey Austin… I know this gonna sound gross but who cares i don’t have the cash so do u know where i can get a already used bathmate pump

    1. Austin St.

      I don’t think anybody is selling used penis pumps, but you never know. Have you tried E-Bay?
      Best regards,

  14. Merc

    I’m from South Africa. Where should I find these products?

    1. Austin St.

      All the products are bought online, they will ship it to you in South Africa.
      Best regards,

  15. Peter


    I have one question and I would be very grateful for an answer. Do you use bathmate with erect penis or flacid penis, and is there any difference?

    1. Austin Hanson

      I use it erect, I don’t think there is a difference. I find it hard not to get an erection when I use my pump.
      Best Regards

  16. Peter

    Thank you very much for an answer, but I mean – do you get an erection before you use the pump or while pumping? Some people say that for best results you have to use bathmate with an erect penis. Sorry for my English

  17. Dick

    How’s your size holding up, have you lost any? Are you doing some kind of a maintenance routine?

    1. Austin Hanson

      My size is holding up, it’s in fact gone up a bit lately. And Yes, I’m doing a few pumping sessions each week and a few penis exercises – nothing crazy.
      Best regards,

  18. Ian

    Hi Austin, thank you for sharing your history on PE, I have a fairly similar one I like to share.

    With wishful thinking I for years thought my penis measured just 15cm, while in fact it measured no more then 11cm. With having brought a few girls to orgasms while they never had one before: size doesn’t matter when you bring technique into play. A dear friend of mine actually prefers smaller penises. Why? I don’t know; we’re no sex buddies.

    About 1,5 years ago I got myself the cheapest penis pump I could get at a local sex shop, just to experience one.

    The girl behind the counter adviced me to get a Bathmate or extender, but above all: consistency.

    Even though the €20 pump was crap, I did see its potential and got a Bathmate shortly after.

    On nearly daily basis, I pumped, just pumped. I measured my gain by measuring morning woodies, after 8 months and a gain of ‘no more then 4cm’, it stagnated and I started adding exercises, I went jelqing after using the pump.

    Over time I gained another 1cm, I now measure 16cm when erect.

    So, in short: 8 months just pumping: 4cm gain. 2 months pumping plus jelqing: another 1cm gain.

    So it comes down to a gain of 0,5cm a month with the right exercises.

    Before we all go too far, beyond no return: my friend had a cock once of 20cm and she experienced it asif being pregnant all over again. She took it, but didn’t like it for a bit.

    Cheers and all the best,

    //Ian (45yo)

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