Jes Extender Review and results 2024

Jes Extender review score 2024
  • Efficiency
  • Build quality
  • Support
  • Price

Review summary:

jes extender review 2018The Jes Extender is the original penis extender that most penis extenders are build around. It was invented by a Danish urology doctor called Joern Ege in the 90’s and it has helped 1000’s of 1000’s of men.

Jes Extender benefits:

  • Longer penis
  • Wider penis
  • Corrent penis curvature

order Jes Extender now

User Review
3.13 (8 votes)

What is Jes extender?

The Jex Extender is one of the very first extenders on the market, and it does suffer a bit from that, there have been no upgrades to it for years.

That’s why I would go after another penis extender with more up-to-date features.

I recommend the Quick Extender Pro which I reviewed a few months ago. It’s much more effective compared to the Jes Extender and it’s even cheaper.

You can buy it at

Jes Extender is a penis enlargement device that is used for increasing both the girth and length of the penis. It’s also used as a treatment for penile curvature and Peyronie’s disease. It has been approved by the FDA and it offers all the desired attributes of penis enlargement traction devices which include ease of use, comfort, and convenience.

This ensures that users get value for their hard-earned money and, most importantly, longer and larger penises.

Jes Extender is the first penis extender to be made

How does Jes Extender work?

The device was originally developed by Dr. Jorn Ege Siana and is owned by DanaMedic. Jes Extender works through cytokinesis a technique which uses the natural ability of the body to multiply and divide cells when tissues are gently stretched over time. This process is used by plastic surgeons for instance in lengthening one hand that is shorter than the other or treating burn wounds. It has also been observed in various indigenous cultures that have been inserting objects such as large plates in their ears and lips for thousands of years.

How do I use the Jes extender?

There are three main steps to using the Jes extender:

  1. Position the flaccid penis through the extender bars and base ring
  2. Next, place the head of your penis through the silicon band and pull it down to secure the head.
  3. Finally, adjust an appropriate amount of traction according to your comfort level by twisting the extender bars. It should not be too tight as to damage your penis but not too lax.

The device works via the principles of mitosis and mechanical traction. Both principles are commonly used by doctors and surgeons in numerous applications including bone lengthening and skin grafts. As the skin is gradually stretched forwards and sideways, your penile tissues are also expanded. Therefore, the penis becomes longer and larger in girth with each stretching. This is just like engaging exercises where muscles get bigger and stronger with each training session.

The manufacturer recommends initially wearing Jes extender for one hour a day and gradually increasing to six hours per day through the next few weeks. The device can be worn for up to 12 hours per day.

On the other hand, Jes extender can be used discreetly particularly when wearing loose-fitting shorts or pants. However, the device may become unattached if it’s worn during physical activity or while sleeping.

Jes Extender reviews can be found online

Jes Extender results

Jes extender may help you gain 1 to 3 inches or more within the first 6 months of continuous use. The device was tested at the Scandinavian Clinic of Plastic surgery and the results showed an increase of 28% in penis size over a 52 week period.

Jes Extender results 2018

What comes in the package?

Jes extender offers numerous options for users to choose from. Each package usually has some or all of these items:

  • Penis traction device
  • Chesive gauze
  • Velcro strap
  • A set of keys
  • Soft attach
  • Kit
  • Instructional DVD
  • Warranty

The Jes Extender kit comes with several packages including mahogany, cardboard and aluminum travel case.

Pros of the Jes Extender

There are numerous good reason for the popularity of the device including:

  • Plenty of choices – Customers can choose from various packages: Jes Extender original, Jes Extender light, Jes Extender Titanium, Jes Extender platinum, Jes Extender silver, and Jes Extender Gold. Although the Jes Extender platinum package would be the best choice for anyone who can afford it, the light package also works well in achieving penile enhancement goals.
  • Complete kit – You don’t need to buy other parts or devices to enhance the experience and results of using Jes Extender because the manufacturer has made everything available.
  • Effective results – Unlike other penile traction devices, Jes Extender works quite well although results may vary between individuals for several reasons, such as age, physical condition and frequency of use. Jes Extender can increase circumference (penile girth) by 30% and penile length by up to 44% of the original measurements. You can increase your erect penis size by up to 1.1 inches over four months of proper and regular use. This is quite impressive especially for users whose penises are average-sized.
  • No side effects – The device has no side effects when used properly because there are no surgeries required and no medications taken. However, other penile enhancement methods such as surgery are fraught with serious risks, side effects and complications that can lead to serious health issues than the problems they were intended to solve. Moreover, Jes Extender does not require continued use once you achieve your desired penile length and girth.
  • Medically approved by doctors – Although you don’t require a medical prescription when buying and wearing the device, you can ask your doctor about the device and you will get two thumbs up for the Jes Extender. This is primarily because Jes Extender has been tested and approved by scientists and doctors in several studies and tests, thus, their approval and endorsement.
  • Comfortable to wear – Jes Extender comes with protection pad for increased protection and a comfort strap front piece which enhances comfort.


  • Users must wear the device for several hours a day and use it consistently for three to six months in order to achieve real and permanent results.

Jes Extender price and shipping information

  1. The Jes Extender light is the entry price penis extender. It comes with a one year warranty and costs $239.
  2. Jes Extender original comes in a stylish mahogany case and costs $268.
  3. The Jes Extender comes in an aluminum flight case and costs $299.
  4. Jes Extender silver standard is coated in pure starling silver, has a three year warranty and costs $349.
  5. Jes extender gold standard is a high end product that is coated in pure 24 carat gold and costs $499.
  6. The Jes extender platinum standard is for the few who want the best there is and it costs $1,399.

Jes Extender is shipped to more than 200 countries in the world. Since the product is of a sensitive nature, the company operates a discreet policy in order to protect customer information at all times.

Final Verdict

The Jes extender provides customers with great value for their money by ensuring they get the longer and larger penises they desire. Besides being affordable, the Jes Extender is also safe and easy to use.

order Jes Extender now

Austin Hanson

After finishing a master degree in Urology at the European University in St. Petersburg, Austin cofounded in 2015. The purpose of the website is to help men with a wide variety of sexual problems with a language that everybody understand. Austin is a dedicated writer and loves to get his hands dirty with product reviews and the latest urology news. Outside of work his an outdoors person who loves fishing and running, you can follow Austin on Twitter or LinkedIn if you can keep up with him!

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